Nine Inch Nails - NY
A few months back I had lunch with a friend in Austin and we discussed ideas for an upcoming run of NIN prints. He suggested I try one in the style of my most recent QOTSA prints. I had some reservations initially but once I found a colder color palette and began using some familiar NIN symbols, things started to make sense. The background pattern was created to to appear with a number of irregularities not unlike a systems glitch.
NOTES: 24 x 18 inches /// 4 screens /// show edition numbered to 350 /// 1-100 signed APs are sold by me + 50 foils /// Original show date was October 17, 2018 at Kings Theatre, NY
NOTES: 24 x 18 inches /// 4 screens /// show edition numbered to 350 /// 1-100 signed APs are sold by me + 50 foils /// Original show date was October 17, 2018 at Kings Theatre, NY