No Roads - G1988
18 x 24 – 2 color silkscreen – sparkle edition of 50 (laser variant to 25) - This print was commissioned for G1988's NYC Crazy for Cult gallery opening. I approached this project in a very specific way: what if Daft Punk had done the soundtrack for BTTF 2? What would that artwork look like? I knew I wanted to show the Delorean hovering with the wheels parallel to the ground but I also wanted the gullwing doors to be opened. This is a bit of contradiction since the doors are typically closed while it's in flight but I'd like to point out that this does happen in BTTF 2 during Doc's heroic rescue of Marty from the top of Biff's casino. I designed this one specifically to be printed on the holo foil paper and it really shimmers in person.