Primus - Sailing the seas of cheese
I used a new print process for these called SwissQ that is producing some really awesome results for people like Mazza, Tara McPherson and NC Winters. Basically, it's printed in 3 layers: white, color and heavy shiny spot varnish. It was the varnish layer that caught my eye and really got me excited about the process. I've also engineered secret stuff into the white layer. They're really shimmery and catch the light in interesting ways. I'm interested to see what people think when they hold them in person! The DMB is an edition of 30 and the Primus is to 50. I'll post video pics of them to instagram later as well to give you a better idea of how they look. Also, I'm letting 8 flocked Towelie's go from personal copies so be on the lookout for those. Cheers! Happy Thanksgiving!
I've long been fascinated with Primus's 'Sailing the Seas of Cheese' record and sought to imagine what exactly lurks beneath those seas. It's a world filled with diamond back sturgeon's, squid versus whale battles, friendly jellyfish and narwhals and a full rainbow of sea life. The goal was to really fill the creamy water with as many creatures as possible along with a number of Easter eggs for the discerning viewers.
NOTES: 18 x 24 inches /// 8 screens /// 4 artist editions numbered 1-50 on either shimmery Stardream paper or a foil patterned stock /// Special experimental SWISSQ edition of 33 coming at a later date /// Show poster was included as part of Primus's VIP package and is printed on standard white paper stock. Approximately 3000 copies were distributed at VIP shows throughout the 2022 tour.